Our organisational values guide us to work in ways that are feminist, informed, holistic and sustainable. Underpinned by these values, we hope to achieve our vision:
A world free of rape and sexual abuse and the damage it causes
and our mission:
To educate others to prevent rape and sexual abuse and provide specialist support services to survivors of rape and sexual abuse and those who support them, in a way that is feminist, informed, sustainable and holistic.





We are committed to challenging gendered power dynamics and inequalities which impact negatively on women and gender diverse people.
- Women and gender diverse people are at the centre of our practice
- A feminist analysis of sexual violence underpins our work
- We believe women and gender diverse people have the right to autonomy and self-determination over their own bodies
- We believe sexual violence is a social crisis
- We recognise that structured oppression of women and gender diverse people operates through a variety of institutions
- We use a collaborative decision-making model
- We recognise and value diverse contributions to our work and our sector
- We support people in their tino rangatiratanga, recognising and valuing a person’s uniqueness and their personal context
- Our work is intersectional and recognises the overlap of race, class, sexuality and gender

We consider the future in present decisions and actions.
- We look after our organisation and staff so our clients can continue to rely on us
- We work with our clients’ strengths so they can heal; we walk alongside them until they can walk confidently without us
- Financial stability and sustainability of the agency is a priority
- We support the overall wellbeing of our workers and their ability to continue to thrive in the context of their families and communities
- We actively incorporate new ideas and improved ways of practice
- We consider the environmental impact of decisions and where possible, minimise this

Our knowledge and practice are most effective when they inform one another.
- Survivors’ experiences provide a foundation for our political analysis and actions
- Our service delivery is informed by the survivors who use it; a survivors’ needs drive how we work with them
- We actively incorporate wider community needs into all our work
- We actively incorporate external examples of good practice and research into all our work
- All our staff are qualified, trained and act ethically (operating within our Codes of Ethics)
- We respect and protect information given to us by clients

We respect and honour all as they are; as whole people.
- We recognise that the impacts of sexual harm are different for all people, and that it can impact on every part of a person’s life
- We will work with survivors as a whole people
- We value all agency and staff relationships
- We value and nurture survivors’ support networks
- We provide wrap-around services based on survivors’ individual needs
- We recognise the importance of parenting to survivors and staff; the safety and wellbeing of survivors and their children is paramount